Hapiness is...
1. Finding different ways to wake April up... I wake up, I open the blinds to get all the yummy sunlight to wake April Up... Ok that didn't work... Jump on April... Ok that didn't work... put Lola and Gus on April... Gus plucks out April's eyebrow... Ahah! Now She's Up.
2. April and my Sunday Morning Routine... wake up, get dressed, bundle Lola up, walk to Dolce Vita, this little Italian cafe on Hollywood Blvd.. eat some scrambled egss with goal cheese, toast, and a double espresso that's so thick I almost have to chew it. Lola naps and gets lots of attention from passerbys. Then we walk around downtown, take a lap through Artspark, check out the little shops, obsess about Lola.

4. Lola- pretty much anything that involves Lola makes me abundantly happy- petting her, looking at her, talking about her, thinking about her, watching her sleep, watching her prance, dressing her up, taking her places, whatever- if she's involved, I'm happy. I mean, just look at her- who wouldn't she make happy??

6. Being on skates- I wish that I could wear them everywhere. MUCH easier and quicker than walking. Maybe I should invest in some of those shoes with little wheels on them... what are they called? Heelies?
7. Having no voicemails on any of my phones (I hate phones!!!!!)
8. Quinoa... my new addiction
9. Drinking a bottle of wine with April and just hanging out, talking about nothing of any importantness
10. Crunchy Eggplant Rolls from The Sushi Room! omg they are sooooo good.