Thursday, January 29, 2009

What could you go without for a year?

What if this is all you could buy for an entire year? - The Seattle Times

*Image from

The Seattle Times wrote on a family who gave up purchasing any new non-essential items for a year. In times like these, that seems like a goal which would benefit us all. According to The Seattle Times, this family first did it to wean off of consumer gluttony but are now doing it to save money.

The only exceptions to their retail spending is for toiletries, food, home improvement/maintenance items, free stuff (through rebates, etc) , kid's school uniforms, and they did an occasional shopping spree.

Here are some lessons that the family reported:

"1. Buying is a habit; giving up the habit buys time... But when you swear off buying new stuff, you gain time. You can read the front page of the newspaper first, and you can go to the park instead of to the store. It may sound hokey, but I gained peace."

2. I can live with what I have.

3. Buying used doesn't necessarily mean saving money."

I think that this would be an excellent (but difficult) exercises. How about trying this for even a month? How would you fair?

Read the full article HERE

This Friday Night in Ft Lauderdale

Alright, so Friday nights are usually for relaxing after a long work week- either in your jammies at home or out at a chill bar. But how about doing something different this week?

The Broward County Derby Grrls love their fans and volunteers and we want to show them how much, so we're throwing a bash in their honor on Friday night.

There's going to be the usual Broward debauchery (if you've been to one of our parties, you know what we mean). Jello wrestling, Derby Grrl jail, drink specials, and all sorts of other activities that shall remain a mystery.

Even if you've never gotten around to coming to a bout, you should definitely come and meet us. Everyone becomes a fan of ours after partying with us :-) 8pm- Freddie's Achor- SR 84 West of Federal- behind the BP, across from the armory.

Domme's Complete Derby Gear Profile

I am a gear nerd. It's true. And I have very strong brand loyalty because I buy stuff I've done alot of research on and they are products I rest my most vulnerable body parts on. I don't take that lightly. So I've decided to review the stuff I wear, for your reading pleasure! I've also converted April to wearing most of this same stuff, so she can back me up that this is good quality stuff right here :)

Skates- Reidell 265 Wickeds- We should start with the most important part of skating- the actual skates. When I first started skating, I bought some old RS1000s off of ebay. They did the trick for that time but then I realized they needed alot of work to keep up with the skating progress I was making. So I took my butt down to Fritz's Skate Shop in South Beach got my Wickeds! These skates have the old retro style double stripes, which I love. They come stock with PowerDyne DynaPro Aluminum plates, which do the job, especially as a bigger girl (I skated on them at 350 lbs with no issue). At Fritz's, they're geared towards outdoor skating, so they came with some Radar Pures (I'll go into these later) but usually they come with Radar Tuners (which in my opinion, are shit, but to each her own).

I had practically no break in-period, which was WONDERFUL, as I've seen sooo many girls act like they had torture devices strapped to them when they first got their skates. The toe stops never budge, they are easy to adjust, they do what I tell them to, and I like that they're a little heavier than something with a nylon plate...I feel more grounded that way.

Problems that I've had- The counter on this skate goes over the foot, which caused me alot of pain for while and I know has given other skaters problems. Losening my laces and cutting out the elastic tongue holder thing seemed to help as well. If a skater has this problem, Reidell will fix it for free. Just email them and they'll get your skate back to you in a week. Luckily the pain finally went away as the counter softened a bit over time.

This is a leather good, which I try not to buy in my daily life. Reidell has now come out with a 265 Divine, which is supposed to be 100% vegan. I don't know anyone who's skated on these, as they're pretty new and rather high priced for a non-leather good, in my opinion.

Indoor Wheels- Blue Cannibals, Black Mojos- I train during the week on Black Mojos, which are a Hybrid Indoor/Outdoor wheel. It's really hard to get any momentum on our grippy floor so I'm using them as resistance training. Then a few days before a bout, I'll br throwing on my Blue Cannibals. Blue Cannibals are WONDERFUL. They're grippy but not too grippy. I've skating on them on outdoor painted concrete, on slick and grippy wood, and on convention center polished concrete and they've been awesome on all of thos. They also have an aluminmum hub which ensures a purer roll. They're worth the high price tag. They make a cheaper, non aluminum hub, Witch Doctors if you're budget concious. I've also used the yellow cannibals and they are great jammer wheels or great for bigger girls (I wore them when I was heavier) who worry about grippy wheels slowing them down too much.

Insoles- Superfeet (Green)- I am always shocked when I hear how many derby girls are skating 6-10 hours a week with the insoles that came with their skates. Ladies- these are just filler insoles. You NEED to buy a good quality pair of insoles. Don't abuse your feet more than you have to.
I believe in firm support, not the jelly kind that you buy at your local Walgreens. Superfeet are pretty decent over the counter orthotics around 40-50 bucks. They have different colors to accomodate different types of pronation.

Stores that carry Superfeet have sample so bring your skates with you and try the samples on skates, especially doing left turns. I recommend green but some people like gray.

Socks- Skater Socks - Socks can make all the difference in your foot comfort level and in whether or not your get blisters. Some people say that thin socks are better. Some say that thick socks are. I find that Skater Socks are the best socks for me to skate with. They are thick and they don't allow my foot to move as much within the skate, causing me less blisters.

Knee Pads- 187's- *DON'T F AROUND WITH YOUR KNEES!* Again, I'm amazed when I see the crap ass knee pads people play with. This is a very tough contact sport where you purposely and accidentally fall on your knees over and over and over again. These are the only knee pads I recommend, although I hear Fatboys are good too. These suckers have very thick memory foam, they stay in place, and when you fall, it's like falling on clouds. Seriously. Everyone who I've convinced to transition from crap knee pads to 187s will be a bran whore for life. If you want a little extra support, throw some Gladiator Knee Gaskets under them. Same thing if your knee pads slip due to excessive sweat. Even if you're Fresh Meat and aren't sure if you'll stick with the sport, spring for the good knee pads. DON'T F AROUND!

Wristguards- Triple 8 Hired Hands - I believe in having the most protection possible. When I wear any other wrist guards, I am super scared to fall. The minute I put my Hired Hands on, I have no fear. The break in period was a little annoying because they're stiff but after a few practices, they're nicely broken in. I also had to cut the fingers down a little bit because they were too long. But that was no big deal and I haven't had any fraying or anything from the cutting. Wristguards are a tricky thing. They say that the purpose of them is not to prevent breakage but to prevent breakage in the actual wrist... it is supposed to transfer the trauma up to your arm, which is much easier to heal than in your wrist, where there are a ton of tiny and hard to heal bones. April wears these and they recently protected her from a bad wrist break... I wouldn't wear anything else.

Helmet- TSG Superlight- This is the lightest helmet on the market. I love it. It's like you don't even know it's on. It only comes in Matte Black I believe, no glossy or colors if you're into that. My only complaint is that I swear it makes me look like an egg head. See, I'm an egg head -------->

Mouthguard- Gladiator Custom Mouthgaurd- Ok, so I get made fun of alot because I'm always talking about my wonderful mouthguard. Until you've worn a custom mouthguard, you can't possibly know how wonderful it is. With gladiator, they send you a mold kit... you take an impression of your teeth (it's pretty easy), you send it in. They make a concrete mold, they make your mouthguard, and they send both back to you. Then, if you ever need a replacement, you send in your concrete mold for a half priced replacement. They have a variety of colors and color combos. Mine is clear. You can also get your name, team logo, team colors, whatever. This is the cheapest custom mouthguard that I could find. The beauty of these babies is that you can actually breathe properly, talk, and you can even drink with them in. Try that with your boil-in! Also, they don't seem to melt like the boil ins so when you leave it in your skate bag in your car, it stays in perfect shape! They range about 50 bucks for your first one... 25 each there after. If you want to go crazy (and spend crazy money), you can get awesomely unique mouthguard from

Elbow Pads- Boneless- Honestly, I'm not too picky about my elbow pads. As long as you buy a mid range elbow pad with THICK memory foam and good grippiness on your elbows, they should be fine. However, those cheap ass rollerblade pads all you girls are getting from Sports Authority are NOT appropriate once you start contact. Upgrade!

What gear do you wear and love?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Adventures in Vermicomposting.... The Beginning

Several weeks ago I randomly stumbled across a video where Martha Stewart was demonstrating how to set up a worm bin for Vermicomposting. Yes, that's right- not just composting- VERMIcomposting. Most people don't know what that means, so I'll explain.

They're worms people. And they eat your garbage. And it's awesome. Basically, you feed them your dicarded veggies, pastas, rice, fruit, coffee grinds, papers, newspaper, bread, cardboard, etc... they eat it... then you get gardening liquid gold... super enriched soil fertilizer. Even if you don't garden (I don't...yes), you definitely know people who would be estatic to take your compost off of your hands for you. Or you can just feed some plants in your complex.

One of the many advantages to using worms to eat your garbage is that apartment dwellers and people without a yard don't have to miss out on composting, which is a huge important step towards sustainaibility. Some majorly important reasons to compost, in any form, are: Reduce waste sent to landfill, reduce greenhouse gases, reuse organic materials, recycle natural nutrients, improve soil without chemicals, produce rich humus for plants, and you save money on chemical fertilizers.

There are all sorts of set ups that you can buy online or at your local green store. But they're a bit expensive. I went the DIY route by building my own 3 trayed vertical flow system, all for about 20 bucks total! However, you can do it even cheaper or if you have a rubbermaid bin or two sitting around, you can make it for free

I made one similar to THIS ONE, but I did it with an even smaller bin so that it could fit underneath my sink. Plus, April and I don't have alot of leftovers so I didn't want to overdo it. I do want to eventually get the Worm Inn, which just look adorable compared to my ugly bins. I just have to budget for it. It's really one of the cheaper vermicomposting retail options out there. Or you can DIY! I would, but in this case, I'd rather buy one, as I'm concerned about my sewing skills when dirt and worms are involved

Right now I'm just trying to figure out if the bait shop gave me the right kind of worms or not!!! They said that they were wigglers but they also had a red worm price (but none available there). I thought red worms were the same as wigglers!? Anyways, I'm just going to watch them and try to see if they're making any progress. And I'm planning on posting on and once I can find my camera and get some pictures of my new little buddies.

Completed 2009 EnviroGoals- Part 1

So I've added a list of 2009 EnviroGoals- Most of the "In Progress" or "To Do" ones will be feeding the Footprint Fridays series. But I do want to go over what I have been able to do thus far in 2009 already.

Ban Paper Towels- When I think about how many paper towels I've gone through in my lifetime it makes me cringe... I cannot even begin to guesstimate how many paper towels I have put into landfills. But ironically enough, I just never thought about NOT using paper towels. It never dawned on me until I stumbled across an old Apartment Therapy topic "A Paper Towel-less Life." To be honest, this article is what turned on the light bulb for me about starting to work towards living more simply. So, we have one roll of old paper towels left that we're just keeping in the house for emergency purposes (Lola accidents and such) and then they'll be gone... FOREVER!

This was actually a more simple endeavor than I though. I mean, our parents and grandparents didn't have paper towels when they were growing up- it would have been thought wasteful. I just went to Target and bought a pack of dishtowels. I always seemed to accumulate a pile of hand towels and kitchen towels over the year that I had pretty much just used for decoration- so now we're actually using those for their purpose

Carpool to Derby- April and I try to carpool to derby whenever possible. We always had. More of a fiscal move than anything else.

Eliminate Meat- I've been a vegetarian for 10 years or so. The next goal is veganism. It's something I did for about 2 years at one time and slipped out of it a few years ago.

Enviro-Friendly Cleaning Products Only- When we moved to our new loft, I would not allow any unsafe chemicals to travel with us- We left several bottles behind. I know leaving them behind and "wasting" them probably killed April, but I wanted to start fresh with safe products only. We use Seventh Generation - Dishwashing powder, Laundry Detergent, Tile and Tub Cleaner, and Toilet Cleaner. I love ALL of their stuff and not only does it make everything so fresh and clean, clean, but it also makes me feel like I'm doing a little bit of my part. We do have one bottle of bad chemicals that I forgot to mention- it's a glass top stove cleaner. If anyone knows of something greener that can get that clean, PLEASE let me know.

Vermicompost- I will be talking about this later. Stay tuned!

Wash clothes in cold water- The only thing I wash with hot water are our roller derby pads and gear... because they really do need them. Otherwise, we're washing things in tap cold water in our more energy efficient washer. Next I need to look into line drying... hmmm... Adding that to my goals.

Most of these are just small things, but they make an impact...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Brrrr... I Love This Kind of Cold!

When you play a contact sports at high speeds on wood floors, you tend to come away with alot of bumps, bruises, and pain in places that you never knew existed. Alot of people don't last more than a few practices because their bodies get pretty beat up. And that's BEFORE they ever even get hit. I've been having alot of problem with my right leg lately, which I'm sure I'll talk about in more detail at another time. A few months ago I pulled my right hamstring. I went in for a hit, lost balance and did a cute little split. But really it wasn't cute- it hurt. Damned badly. I've since been trying to recover it to no avail and have just been dealing with the pain. Well, now I have shin splints on that same leg. Oh yeah and my knee hurts from all the stress on that leg. It's all worth it, don't get me wrong and is a small price to pay for the awesomeness that is derby. But I was looking for options because I didn't want to go through a box of ziploc bags just to ice all my aches and pains for a day. So at my job, there's a little pharmacy. I stumbled across a wonderful little invention:

Yup, just like I've seen in the movies. Duh! I could have been using these all along as opposed to the ziplocs, the wasteful disposable cold packs, or the (I'm sure) environmentally nightmarish gel packs that barely stay cold for longer than 15 minutes. I iced my entire leg pretty much all day and only had to refill this bad boy once! And it kept nice and brrrr cold. Not to mention it's adorable!
This one was the large one and was around 10 bucks. Next paycheck I'm going to buy another one to keep at home. So keep on coming aches and pains! I'll be ready for you with a greener solution!

What's This Blog All About?

To answer that question- check out some of the topics I'll be rambling about in my blog:

Building, decorating, crafts, cooking, and other hands on stuff. I'll talk about projects that I'm working on, and hopefully throw some tutorials in there somewhere.

Every Friday I will review my week's effort to lesson my carbon footprint. I will then set a goal for the next week. Some will be small and easy. Some will seem like monstrous tasks and may take a while to achieve. But it's time to stop sitting on my ass. I used to be such a good little environmentalist and as I've gotten older of slacked off for convenience sake. But no more! You can also find a list of my ongoing efforts to reduce my footprint on the right rand side of this page. If you have ideas or better ways to do these things, let me know! It's been a while and suggestions are always more than welcomed.

In December of 2007, I weighed about 350 pounds. I have since lost over 150 pounds, and am still losing, thanks to gastric bypass, healthy eating, and lots of exercise. I went from being a food addict to being very health conscious. I love to talk about and learn about health, vegetarianism, fitness. I have a long way to go in this journey and enjoying bettering my body in any way that I can.

In my quest to reduce my environmental impact, I'll be talking about ideas, research, stats, and things I learn as I go.

Dining, Drinks, Bars, Shows- things to do in South Florida or wherever else my travels take me.

I've been told I'm a bit of a b*tch. It's not that I try to be, it just happens. I don't like to beat around the bush, I'm very direct, and I have strong opinions. If you have ovaries, apparently that makes you a b*tch. So, I figure, why suppress it when it's so natural? I like to go on rants. Sorry. Deal with it. But feel free to debate me all you'd like.You'll probably lose.

Reviews on Products, Meds, Movies, Books, Drinks, Food, Music, Websites, Blogs, Products, whatever. If you have something you want me to review, email me!

Most of my life, energy, and free time is dedicated to the greatest sport on earth- roller derby. I'm a co-owner and President of the Broward County Derby Grrls and I am also a player. So I'll talk alot of derby- strategy, BCDG results, other league results, injuries, equipment reviews, news, and derby related subjects I find myself interested in at the moment.

Social Justice- Gay rights, animals rights, democracy, human rights, eracism, etc.