To answer that question- check out some of the topics I'll be rambling about in my blog:

Building, decorating, crafts, cooking, and other hands on stuff. I'll talk about projects that I'm working on, and hopefully throw some tutorials in there somewhere.
Every Friday I will review my week's effort to lesson my carbon footprint. I will then set a goal for the next week. Some will be small and easy. Some will seem like monstrous tasks and may take a while to achieve. But it's time to stop sitting on my ass. I used to be such a good little environmentalist and as I've gotten older of slacked off for convenience sake. But no more! You can also find a list of my ongoing efforts to reduce my footprint on the right rand side of this page. If you have ideas or better ways to do these things, let me know! It's been a while and suggestions are always more than welcomed.

In December of 2007, I weighed about 350 pounds. I have since lost over 150 pounds, and am still losing, thanks to gastric bypass, healthy eating, and lots of exercise. I went from being a food addict to being very health conscious. I love to talk about and learn about health, vegetarianism, fitness. I have a long way to go in this journey and enjoying bettering my body in any way that I can.
In my quest to reduce my environmental impact, I'll be talking about ideas, research, stats, and things I learn as I go.
Dining, Drinks, Bars, Shows- things to do in South Florida or wherever else my travels take me.

I've been told I'm a bit of a b*tch. It's not that I try to be, it just happens. I don't like to beat around the bush, I'm very direct, and I have strong opinions. If you have ovaries, apparently that makes you a b*tch. So, I figure, why suppress it when it's so natural? I like to go on rants. Sorry. Deal with it. But feel free to debate me all you'd like.You'll probably lose.
Reviews on Products, Meds, Movies, Books, Drinks, Food, Music, Websites, Blogs, Products, whatever. If you have something you want me to review, email me!
Most of my life, energy, and free time is dedicated to the greatest sport on earth- roller derby. I'm a co-owner and President of the Broward County Derby Grrls and I am also a player. So I'll talk alot of derby- strategy, BCDG results, other league results, injuries, equipment reviews, news, and derby related subjects I find myself interested in at the moment.

Social Justice- Gay rights, animals rights, democracy, human rights, eracism, etc.
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