But I'm writing to announce that April and I are moving to...drum roll please... St. Louis, Missouri!!! Yes, this is one of my childhood homes. I was born and raised here (for the most part- I moved around the midwest a few times growing up but always moved back to STL) until Sophomore year of high school when my parents dragged me to South Florida.
Most people save up all their lives to one day move to (and die in) South Florida, so you're probablly wondering what kind of crack I'm on that makes me want to leave the beach, palm trees, lack of snow, etc etc.
For you people who have never been to St. Louis, I will give you some of the top reasons that I love St. Louis, in no particular order.

1.) St. Louis Style Pizza- I've had pizza in over 15 states and NOTHING compares to St. Louis' pizza. It's made with provel cheese instead of mozzerella amoung some other yummy and uniquir tastes. It's sstacked with cheese and OOOOH so yummy. You can't really understand unless you've had it. My family even has a system for tight packing 3 or 4 pizzas so that it fits in a small duff so that we could easily bring it back to Florida.

2.) Gooey Butter Cake- Again, if you've never had it, you don't know what you're missing. At 500 calories a piece, you're already forced to savor each bite. Shnuck's makes it the best, in my opinon. Then Missouri Bakery. Seriously this stuff is the best and most sinful stuff you've every had. I brought a tray for some of mmy teammates at a recent tournament in Indiana. Even the desert haters loved it. Probablly not what we should have been eating before a tournament, but whatever.

3.) Seasons- Most people in the USA don't understand what the big deal is here. In Florida, specifically South Florida, nothing changes. Sure, it may drop to like 70 or even 65 for a few weeks during the year, but the only change you see is hot, hotter, and f*ing hot. The trees don't change. You could look outside any day of the year and unless there's a hurricane, you will see the exact same thing. As much as I'm not specifically looking forward to scraping ice off of my windsheild, I AM looking forward to fall leaves, COLD during Christmas (I'm sorry but sweating while putting Christmas lights on palm trees DO NOT make me feel the Christmas Sprirt), relaxing at a park during Spring, listening to secadas and watching fireflies at night, and I will NOT MISS HURRICANE SEASON!!! But all my Floridian friends are welcomed to come evacuate to our house when that next Category 5 comes through!
4.) Arch Rival Rollergirls- I'll post a length rundown on this later! It really deserves it's own post.

5.) People- When I first moved to Florida I was in culture shock because, well, I was from the midwest and people are pretty freaking nice there for the most part. I came to FL and people were rude, pushy, downright mean, or they would just pretend that you weren't even there. Well after 10 years here (yikes!!), now I'm kind of like Floridian anti social. I kind of panic when strangers want to talk to me. I don't make eye contact in stores... I stay to myself until I get to know you, then I'm talkative. So I'm excited to be around friendly people again. Now I just have to get back to that too!

6.) Family- We considered places where we would eventually look at putting down roots one day. I refuse to raise kids in South Florida. Refuse. Sorry but refuse. Oh yeah, plus gay adoption LEGAL in Missouri. Ahhh the irony. We'll see, after being there for a bit, how gay families are actually treated... now that's a whole nother ball game.
7.) The St. Louis Arch- Sorry, but it's just that awesome

8.) Culture- St. Louis is just one of those cities that has soul. I lived in a few diferrent places in St. Louis- Kirkwood, South St. Louis near Carandolet Park, and West County. West County didn't really have alot of what I'd call "soul"- it was nice and peaceful but very much suburbia. But I remember in the city always loving the sights, sounds, and smells. From University City and The Loop to Soulard and Downtown, the Hill. Forest Park, The Muny, The Fox Theatre, etc etc... you just feel the history and soul of the place when you're there. Oooh the Magic House, the Science Center, there's just so many cool things to do. In Florida, it's beach culture. Which is awesome- just not for me.
That's what I've got at the moment. I'm sure I'll add to this list later.
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