Is it a cotton ball?
It is a puppet?
Is it a doll?
Is it a super fluffy alien from outer space?

Is it Gabby??
Nope! This is a White Silkie CHICKEN. A few months ago I stumbled upon a site about Urban Chickens. That's right- chickens you keep in your backyard in urban environments. I never thought this was possible.
I don't really eat eggs now (except the occassional lapse in morals when I'll have a scrambled egg) because of factory farming conditions. But alas, I could take care of a few rescued chickens, have fresh eggs, reduce my dependancy on external mass production, have natural insect control, and natural lawn fertilizer?! This fits totally into my quest to GO GREEN.
Haha- One day. When I have real land. I don't really want to keep chickens in the city. But one day maybe I'll rescue some chickens. Puffy or otherwise ;)
And if you're ever in Hawaii, look me up! We can trade silkie chicken stories! FYI - (to help you get through your remaining 4 day grace period ... silkies don't venture far from their home so make really nice backyard chickens (i let mine loose and they just hang out around their coop and have never gotten close to the neighbor's yard), they don't smell (I love to smell their heads ... they smell like little chicks!), their eggs are delish, they are really mellow so very good with kids, and they act more like pets than chickens. Let me know what you decide!!